Theslot gaming segment has been the biggest earner of gambling revenuefor the longest time before online sport betting platforms almostchanged this narrative. However, the quick move by slot machinemakers to avail slot games on online platforms guaranteed that thissegment would retain its number one spot. The T-Rex 5-reel slots gameis a top performer in the slot gaming segment. The T-Rex slot gamebrand is set to see a boast in online-user numbers following therelease of T-Rex II.
T-RexII is the awaited second installment in the T-Rex slot gamingfranchise. Die-hard fans of the T-Rex slots game have beenanticipating a new release of the game from RTG Games, the creator ofthe slots game. It is beyond doubt that the first game in thisemerging series has seen unprecedented success. In response tocontinued player demands for a new release, RTG Games has promisedavid T-Rex players an even richer user-experience in the latestversion of the game.
Whatfollows is a review of the latest release in the T-Rex slot gamefranchise, T-Rex II. This article will compare the features of thenewest version and the original T-Rex slot game. You will have accessto detailed facts about the game T-Rex II slot game. By the end ofthe review, you will be able to access the extent to which RTG gameshas fulfilled your expectations by releasing T-Rex II.
T-Rex slot machine in one more in RTG’s long list of slot machines which provide entertaining themes and fun game play, but mediocre quality in the execution of the game. This slot machine lacks a bonus game as well as background music, but the very idea of spinning the reels alongside your favorite dinosaurs will most likely be enough reason. T-Rex slot by RTG comes with 5 reels and 25 paylines & bet range from 0.01 up to 6.25. This video slot also featured with Progressive Jackpot, Wild Symbol, Multiplier, Scatter Symbol, Free Spins. Play T-Rex for fun or real money. Get bonus up to 🤑 $8,888! Slots Directory All Slots (A-Z) Slots by Software. T-Rex slot machine details: Slot software.
Comparisonof T-Rex II with its Predecessor
Jurassic Dinosaur Theme
Thename alone should assure you that RTG Games has taken a conservativeapproach and retained the Age-of-the-dinosaurs theme in T-Rex II. Theoriginal T-Rex game and T-Rex II both make use of a theme borrowedfrom the cretaceous period, the age of the dinosaurs. Both games havethe Tyrannosaurus Rex as the lead symbol on the reels of the slotsgame.
Thedifferences between T-Rex II and the original T-Rex game emerge whenyou consider the other dinosaurs on the reels. The original game hasa Triceratops (a tri-horned plant-eating dinosaur), a Stegosaurus (aslow and spiked plant-eating dinosaur), and an Ankylosaurus (aplant-eating dinosaur with a padded back and spiked tail) as thesupport characters in the gameplay.
RTGhas done away with the three plan-eating dinosaurs in T-Rex II anddecided to stick to meat-eaters. You will, therefore, find that inaddition to the Tyrannosaurus Rex, the T-Rex II slot game has aVelociraptor (a small, fast, deadly meat-eating dinosaur) and whatappears to be a furry ferocious-looking meat-eating creature ofunknown origin. If one was to guess, this latter creature could be afurry descendant of meat-eating dinosaurs.
Inaddition to changes in the Cretaceous period fauna, there is also asignificant change in the flora or plant symbols in T-Rex II. Thefirst installment in the T-Rex slot game franchise features a memberof the Cycad family, which is a palm-like plant. RTG appears to havemade use of the plant equivalent to meat-eating dinosaurs by pickingthe insectivorous pitcher plant as the replacement symbol.
Itis also worth noting that there is a color change in the leadTyrannosaurus Rex character. The original T-Rex game has theTyrannosaurus in the traditional beige color while in the T-Rex IIthe famous raptor is in a glaring red. All in all, the dinosaurcharacters in T-Rex II are quite striking.
T Rex Slot Play For Fun Game
Anyone who has ever played the very first T-Rex slots game can attest to the fact that T-Rex I features impressive graphics. How the menacing Tyrannosaurus Rex appears to pop out of the 2D screen is an effect that is quite captivating. An equally stunning effect has the Tyrannosaur devouring a plant-eater whole. The Tyrannosaur graphics are so captivating that you might find yourself playing non-stop just to see the Tyrannosaur in action. However, if you think that the graphics in T-Rex I are fantastic, then you have not had a chance to play T-Rex II.
Thepeople at RTG have surpassed their earlier effort when it comes tothe graphics on the T-Rex II slots game. The gameplay effects areastounding in this second installment of the T-Rex slots gamefranchise. The menacing stance of the tyrant dinosaur as the beastroars is simply awesome. The same can be said of the visual effectsthat depict the Tyrannosaurus Rex bursting through lesser dinosauricons to take their place on the reels. You can see the debris anddust flying off in all directions just before the ancient raptorcomes forth in a dramatic pose.
Anotheraspect of graphics revolves around the alphanumeric characters on thereels of the T-Rex slots games. In T-Rex I alphanumeric charactersmade use of a dripping font, an effect that fused well with the scaryJurassic theme of the game. The creators of T-Rex II modified thegraphics on the alphanumeric characters by going for a spiky font.The prickly aspect of the alphanumeric symbols on the reels iscohesive with the sharper Jurassic theme implemented in this secondinstallment.
Allin all, the marked improvement in the visuals of T-Rex II should makegameplay on the second installment of the slots game even moreengaging. With regard to graphics, the RTG people tasked withgraphics for T-Rex II have not disappointed.
Number of Winning Lines
Forthose who might be new to slots gaming, a winning line refers to acombination of symbols on the reels of a slots game bearing a setmonetary value. The higher the number of winning lines on a slotsgame, the higher the chance of winning while playing the game.
Theoriginal T-Rex slots game offers players the option of choosing up to25 winning lines during gameplay. It is worth noting that differentonline platforms do set different pay line values for the sameimplementation of the T-Rex slots game. There are mostly threestandard minimum bet denominations per line for the majority ofonline T-Rex I slots games. The minimum denominational values are$0.05, $0.10, and $0.25. The implication is that each spin with 25winning lines on the T-Rex I game will require you to part with $1.25, $2.50, or $6.25 depending on the minimum bet per line.
Nothinghas changed in the second installment of the game. T-Rex II offersthe same choice of 25 lines. The minimum bets per line are also$0.05, $0.10, and $0.25. This means that the cost per spin is $1.25,$2.50 and $6.25 for the various online implementations of the sameT-Rex II slots game.
Free Spins
Freespins in T-Rex I is initiated by the appearance of the egg symbols onany one of the five reels of the slots game. Each egg symbol availstwo free spins on the game, which means that the game can award youup to 10 free spins if an egg icon appears on each reel. This outcomehas not changed in the T-Rex II slots game. This is despite the factthat the egg symbol in the second installment of the game issignificantly different. Each egg symbol in the T-Rex II game stillawards you two free spins.
Auto-Play Option
Boththe original T-Rex slots game and T-Rex II offer the same auto-playoption. This option allows you to increase the speed of yourgameplay. It also allows you to ease up on any tension that mighthave accumulated during regular gameplay. It is worth noting that theauto-play option does not necessarily boost your chances of winningon either game.
T Rex Slot Play For Fun Free Slot Games
Thetwo installments in the T-Rex slots game franchise offer players thechance to win a progressive jackpot not exceeding $10, 000. It isworth noting that free spins on the T-Rex II slots game do notdisqualify you from winning the jackpot. Therefore no one will denyyou of the right to claim you winnings just because it took placeduring a free spin.
T Rex Slot Play For Fun Games
Avid players of the T-Rex game and all slots game enthusiasts do have something to look forward to in the T-Rex II slots game. Anyone who plays this slots game is bound to acknowledge that RTG Games have done an impeccable job in the T-Rex II game. Finally, the stunning graphics of this second installment in the T-Rex slot game franchise will surely add to the already enormous popularity of the slots game.